Men in Color: Racialized Masculinities in U.S. Literature and Cinema
Editor: Josep M. Armengol
Newscatle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011
Isbn13: 978-1-4438-2630-3
Isbn: 1-4438-2630-8
Comprising seven different chapters, the collection Men in Color attempts to analyze, and revisit, the representation of ethnic masculinities, both white and non-white, in and through contemporary U.S. literature and cinema. If most of the existing studies on masculinity and race have centered on one specific model of racialized masculinities, Men in Color attempts to provide an introductory perspective on different racialized masculinities simultaneously, including African American, Asian American, Chicano, Arab American, and also white masculinity, which is analyzed as another ethnic and gender-ed construct, rather than as a paradigm of normalcy and “universality.” By exploring several ethnic masculinities in relation to each other, the present volume aims to highlight both the differences and the similarities between different patterns of masculinity, showing how, even as gender is inflected by race, certain aspects or features of masculinity remain unchanged across the ethnic board. Ultimately, then, the volume as a whole illustrates both the changing nature of masculinities as well as the recurrence of certain stereotypes, such as the hypersexualization and/or the feminization of ethnic males, which recur in and across several ethnicities. The constant tension, and intersection, between gender and race is the subject of this book, which just hopes to contribute some notes and reflections on ethnic masculinities to the much more complex and larger discussion about gender and racial identities in our increasingly multicultural and globalized 21st-century world.
Men in Color: An Introduction (Josep M. Armengol)
On Men and Machos: Analyzing Chicano Masculinity in Denise Chávez’s
Loving Pedro Infante and Ana Castillo’s Sapogonia (Aishih Wehbe-Herrera)
Post-9/11 Representations of Arab Masculinities by Arab American Women
Writers: Criticism or Praise? (Marta Bosch)
Constructing Identity: The Representation of Male Rappers as a Source of
Masculinity (Pedro Álvarez-Mosquera)
“Such is the cost of my belonging, molding to whatever is at hand:”
Citizenship, Americanness, and Asian American Masculinity in
A Gesture Life (María Isabel Seguro)
“Stay black and die:” Examining Minority-Minority Race Relations in Paul
Beatty’s Fiction (Deidre L. Wheaton)
“You do not do:” Deconstructing White Masculinity in Cold War American
Literature (1945-1965) (Mercè Cuenca)
Shades of Evil: The Construction of White Patriarchal Villainy in the Star
Wars Saga (Sara Martín)