Creation, Publishing, and Criticism. The Advance of Women’s Writing. Eds. María Xesús Nogueira, Laura Lojo y Manuela Palacios. New York: Peter Lang, 2010. ISBN 978-1-4331-0954-6

Since the 1980s, there has been an unprecedented and unremitting rise in the number of women writers in Galicia and Ireland. Publishers, critics, journals and women’s groups have played a decisive role in this phenomenon. Creation, Publishing, and Criticism provides a plurality of perspectives on the strategies deployed by the various cultural agents in the face of the advance of women authors, and brings together a selection of articles by writers, publishers, critics and theatre professionals who delve into their experience during this process of cultural change. This collection of essays sets out to show how, departing from comparable circumstances, the Galician and the Irish literary systems explore their respective new paths in ways that are pertinent to each other.
Creation, Publishing, and Criticism will be of particular interest to students of Galician and Irish studies, comparative literature, women's studies, and literary criticism. Both specialists in cultural analysis and the common reader will find this an enlightening book.


Preface by Luz Pozo Garza
María Xesús Nogueira / Laura Lojo / Manuela Palacios
Writers, Publishers, and Critics in Galicia and Ireland: an entente cordiale?

Part I: Poetry
I. 1. Publishing Poetry: Present Challenges and Future Prospects

Fran Alonso
Women, Poetry, and Publishing

Jessie Lendennie
Irish Women Poets in a Changing Society

Susan Connolly
Coming out of the Forest (Making the Journey from First to Second Collection)

I. 2. The Criticism of Poetry: Mediating Voices

María do Cebreiro Rábade Villar
Critical Styles: Some Notes on the Functions of Galician Feminist Criticism

Marilar Aleixandre
Unexplored Territories: Criticism and Writing by Women

Irene Gilsenan Nordin
Poetry and Education: The Role of the Literary Critic in Academia

Part II: Fiction

II. 1. Women Narrative Writers in Print: Facts and Fictions

Mercedes Queixas Zas
Galician Fiction: A Genre with Gender?

Francisco Castro
Of Value on Their Own. Literature by Women and Galician Publishing

Paz Castro
Women in Children’s Literature Today: A First-Person Account

Declan Meade
Irish Women Writers: Forging Ahead

Paula Campbell
The City Girls

II. 2. Criticism: Rhetoric Matters

Helena Miguélez-Carballeira
Of Nouns and Adjectives: Women’s Fiction and Literary Criticism in Galicia

Ramón Nicolás
Women Fiction Writers in a Critic’s View

Kerry Hardie
A Writer’s Thoughts on Publication and Public Criticism

Part III: Drama

III. 1. Women Playwrights on the Stage

Cristina Domínguez
Creating Theatre Today: Our Necessary Identity

Ánxeles Cuña
Margar in the Halls of Time and Give Me Poison … I Too Dream

Colette Connor
Irish Women Playwrights: Undervalued and Overmined

Ursula Rani Sarma
Transcending Categories: Thoughts on Being a Playwright and Responding to Expectation

III. 2. Women Playwrights and Criticism: Negotiating an Oxymoron

Roberto Pascual
On the Lamentable Effect of Criticism on the Irregular Situation of Galician Drama Written by Women

Celia de Fréine
Women Playwrights, Whither?

Mary O’Donnell
Irish Women’s Drama: Questions of Response and Location

Notes on Contributors



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