Wallhead, Celia
Washington Irving and Spain. The Romantic Movement, The Re/Creation of
Islamic Andalusia and the Critical Reception.
Bethesda-Dublin-Palo Alto: Academica Press, 2009, 330 pp.
Table of Contents
Commendatory Foreword, Antonio Sánchez Trigueros
Translation of Foreword
PART ONE: Overview of Writing in Spain and America on or about Washington
1. Spain's homage to Washington Irving in collections
2. Spain and America's homage to Washington Irving in doctoral theses
3. Biographies and monographs on Washington Irving
4. Popular projects and works in Spain relating to Washington Irving
PART TWO: A study of the Romantic traits of Irving's works on Spanish themes
5. Spanish Romanticism: the framework for Washington Irving's historical and
literary works
6. "Spanish Papers": the Muslim invasion of Spain and the Reconquest
7. "A Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada"
8. "The Alhambra"
9. Conclusions