Welcome to AEDEAN Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos


Founded in Seville in 1976, AEDEAN stands for “Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos” (Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies). According to our constitution, AEDEAN’s main aim is “to encourage, stimulate and promote in Spain the study and research of language, literature, linguistics, critical theory, geography, institutions and, in general, the culture of English-speaking countries.”

AEDEAN has a current membership of about 1.200, which includes university professors, lecturers and graduate students both from Spanish universities and abroad. The interests of its members are very wide. They range from theoretical, historical and applied linguistics to all literatures written in English, as well as cultural studies, literary theory, film studies, comparative literature, feminist and gender studies, and so on.

After our last conference at the University Pablo de Olavide, we are already engaged in the preparations for AEDEAN’s 48th conference in Vitoria.