Call for papers for 47th AEDEAN conference open until May 1st
The Call for papers for our next AEDEAN conference is now open! Please check the AEDEAN webpage for details about abstract submissions.
The Call for papers for our next AEDEAN conference is now open! Please check the AEDEAN webpage for details about abstract submissions.
The Call for Papers for the V Seminario de Doctorado AEDEAN is now open! It will take place on July 4-5, 2024 at the University of Cantabria in Santander. The[…]
On November 10, the AEDEAN Assembly bid farewell to President Alberto Lázaro and Board Member Francisco Gallardo, and welcomed Rosario Arias and Lucía Loureiro. For details about the Executive Board,[…]
Dear members of AEDEAN, It is my pleasure to inform you that the announcements for various ESSE research support schemes for 2024 are now posted at the ESSE website Here[…]
Ayuda Margaret Fuller En el marco de su plan de investigación anual, el Instituto Franklin-UAH colabora con la Asociación de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos (AEDEAN) en la concesión de una ayuda de 1600 €[…]
El Presidente de AEDEAN, Alberto Lázaro, nos informa de los siguientes acuerdos que se tomaron durante la reunión del Board de ESSE que tuvo lugar los días 26 y 27[…]
Here is the link to the programme and book of abstracts of the IV AEDEAN Doctoral Seminar that will be held at the University of Cantabria next 6-7 July. This[…]
The spring volume of Nexus, edited by Alejandra Moreno Álvarez, is now available on our website: We hope you enjoy it!
La finalidad de este premio es promocionar la divulgación del trabajo de investigación de estudiantes de postgrado que tengan inscrita su tesis doctoral o que estén inscritos en un programa de doctorado. […]
The deadline for submissions to be considered for the 46 AEDEAN Conference (Las Palmas 2023) has been extended to June 7. Check our website (AEDEAN Conference –> Next Conference) for[…]
For further information concerning our association, please contact our Secretary:
We will get back to you as soon as possible.