David Thelen Award
Awarded biennially by the Organization of American Historians, the David Thelen Award honors the best article on American history written in a language other than English. Formerly the Foreign Language Article Prize, this award was renamed in appreciation of David Thelen, who edited the Journal of American History between 1985 and 1999. The winning article will be published in the Journal.
Articles published between January 1, 2019, and December 31, 2020, as well as previously unpublished articles, are eligible for consideration.
Submissions should be carefully argued and well written. They should offer an original perspective on colonial American and/or U.S. history. The competition is open to roundtables, keynote addresses, conference papers, and other genres of scholarship. Manuscripts should be framed for and addressed to readers outside the U.S. and written in a language other than English.
Technical requirements and submission process:
Length: Equivalent to approximately 5,000-15,000 words when translated into English.
Languages: Other than English.
Submissions must include a brief abstract (written in English) explaining how the manuscript meets the criteria stated above.
Submissions must be clearly labeled «2022 David Thelen Award Entry.» An electronic version of the manuscript must be sent to jahms@oah.org. One hard copy must be mailed to the address below by May 1, 2021: