Dear colleagues,
Here is a message from the new editor of *The ESSE Messenger*, Dr Adrian
Radu from the Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca (Romania):
“From 1 January 2016 *The European English Messenger* (now with a new
name: *The
ESSE** Messenger**)* will go online.
The Messenger online will continue the good work of its printed version and
host messages from the ESSE President, offer information about events,
conferences, book launches, obituaries (alas!), as well as book reviews,
(themed) articles, interviews, pieces of literature and a special page of
relaxation (called the Lighter Side) with cartoons, jokes, amusing stories,
limericks, everything to show that ESSE is a prestigious and active body of
academics who enjoy and value teaching, research and life too. Details
about the structure of the ESSE Messenger website will be offered soon at
its launch on its blog page. The theme of the first online issue of *The
ESSE** Messenger* will be *Literature for children*.
Please let your association members know about the new Messenger, invite
and encourage them to send materials to be published. The new Messenger
will have the following email address:”
With my best wishes for 2016,
Socorro Suárez Lafuente