Dear AEDEAN Members,
I have been asked by Fátima Vieira (President of the Utopian Studies Society, Europe) to carry out a survey on research groups working on Utopian Studies in Spain. Groups can be formal or informal but should have the following characteristics. (I quote here from Fátima’s email):
“In some countries, research in the field of Utopian Studies is being carried out in the framework of research centres financially supported by the University, by the Government, by local authorities, or by national or international funding programmes, but we know it is not the case everywhere. We are interested in mapping research groups, be they formal or informal.
A research group must have a leader, a research direction (even if not formally stated in a document), and it must have made a contribution to the field of Utopian Studies by having created a journal or a collection of books, and/or by regularly organizing events (seminars, workshops, conferences, outreach activities), and/or by offering programmes for undergraduates/graduates and involving them in research activities.”
Fátima is professor in the University of Oporto, and she is interested in publishing the results of the survey (from various European countries) in the journal Utopian Studies, published in the USA. If you are interested in contributing to the survey, please fill in the attached Questionnaire and send it to me at before the 1st May.
- Utopian Studies
- 17th International Conference on the Utopian Studies Society / Europe
Best wishes!
Elizabeth Russell
Department of English & German Studies
Facultat de Lletres
Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Avda. Catalunya, 35
43002 Tarragona
Office Tel. (+34)977 559527