The SIforAGE International Conference
«Envisioning a New World»
Social Innovation for Active and Healthy Ageing 19th, 20th, and 21st October 2016 Universitat de Barcelona / CaixaForum Barcelona
With The SIforAGE International Conference, the goal is to bring together actors from different disciplines and fields of research to discuss ageing, the ageing process, the challenges presented, and possible ways ahead for the future. The situation demands a visionary approach, so that groundwork can be laid, in a rational way, for the creation of a better-adapted society for the future. There is no better time to do that than now. The Conference is the final activity of The SIforAGE Project, an innovative project of four years duration whose mission has been, in part, to make some headway along this path. Some of the research and work undertaken by the Project partners will be presented and discussed during the Conference.