How are you? You’ll certainly be pleased to hear that the Gender Studies
Network is developing very well. The Galway panel was a success. Now the
Network also has a homepage (in addition to the blog), which offers many
opportunities. Please see (or take
the path Academic Life – European study networks).
Our next step is creating and publishing the list of members, and we’d like
to invite you to register. We’ve prepared a form, which is short, but
captures information vital both for practical networking and visibility.
Please see the attachments.
A few specifications concerning the modalities: Please use the form for
registering; this will greatly simplify our editorial tasks. For the
publication data try to follow the conventions of MLA or APA. You can also
omit some of the details, as long as the piece can be tracked easily and
ordered via interlibrary loan (which means giving the pages in the case of
articles). It would be good to publish the list of members pretty soon. So,
the sooner you return the form, the better. But since these are hectic
weeks in most universities: within the next four weeks /
*before Dec 13 please*.
Please feel free to forward the form to colleagues who might be interested,
but remind them that they must be members of ESSE or an affiliated
Looking forward to hearing from you and with all good wishes,
Renate Haas